Fishing in the spring.What fish is best to catch in the spring.

Fishing in the spring.What fish is best to catch in the spring.
Fishing in the spring.What fish is best to catch in the spring.

Fishing in the spring

  • Fishing in March

Surely every angler knows that fishing in the spring is beautiful and fascinating, and this is due to the fact that rivers and lakes come to life. After winter everything is blooming and filled with life, the days are clear and warm. It is in the warm and clear days, the best time for catching fish, both predatory , and peaceful. Aktiviziruyutsya fish from melt water as it carries oxygen which is also necessary for fish. It is worth noting that in this period, many individuals begins spawning in some areas, fishing is banned.But on a single tackle, those which are not prohibited by the law on fishing are allowed to fish. In southern areas the ice disappears faster than in the North and there is almost no ice where you can catch fish on the float rod. Usually fishing starts after 15 March, but every year the beginning is slightly different. At this time, perfectly caught carp, bream and the ubiquitous roach, but pike and perch with a fish is spawning period.

  • Fishing in April

April more settled month of spring and fishing in the wiring, especially on the rivers with the current, where most of the fish before spawning, begin feeding heavily, namely thermophilic species. It’s mostly all white fish. As mentioned earlier that the ice melts are not the same, all depends on the area. In the North, in April you can fish off the ice. This month the fishing is very exciting. Even on a normal rod, you can catch a good instance. While fish everywhere sent to spawn, just waking up after the cold winter. In most cases their power is not yet fully restored.

  • Fishing in may

The month of may rightfully occupies first place among the spring months, namely in may, you can catch almost all the fish, which can only exist in the reservoir or in the river. Perfectly caught bream and roach, and Rudd. On large reservoirs, late evenings and especially at night it starts perfectly caught a big catfish. Hard begins to peck Podust and perch on a worm or bait. This bait is used not only in may, it is possible to catch and at other times of the year. Especially effectively shown and proven gear is equipped with jigs. Tackle with a side nod is equipped with a jig can work well on small rivers, where a lot of vegetation. This pike tackle can not leave without attention and often gets at her, although fishing was designed for more peaceful fish.

  • What fish is best to catch in the spring

Fishing in spring is much different from fishing in other times of the year. You might want to know, what fish is best to catch in the spring, namely from the end of March, when the upper layers of the water is well warmed and the level in the rivers is not high, perfectly and beautifully caught by predators ( pike, Zander, Chub ). In April, wakes up from hibernation som. Fishing in the spring includes the period when water is not all warmed up and the fish kept those places where already favourable and warm water. Sabrefish, Rudd, bream, roach, bream — all of that fish , which is caught on the ground in the spring.

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