How to persuade the carp on the semolina mash. Properly cooked chatterbox — the key to success when fishing for carp.

How to persuade the carp on the semolina mash. Properly cooked chatterbox — the key to success when fishing for carp.
How to persuade the carp on the semolina mash. Properly cooked chatterbox — the key to success when fishing for carp.

Where to start ? How to persuade a carp on mash semolina ?

Experienced fisherman before fishing carefully and seriously preparing for it. Inspected and prepared equipment for a variety of fishing, select the bait which is perfect and, if necessary, is bait. Also seriously selected the future site of a fish, which promises a good level of biting fish. But there are moments when, despite all the efforts and the experience, the fish still begins to bite. The main reason that may cause this situation is the wrong bait.

To chat or talk ?

One of the most popular baits, which is a huge success for the fishermen and when fishing for carp, is semolina Prater Park. Almost all avid fishermen have experience in the use of this simple and, at the same time, multipurpose nozzle. But, despite the fact that the talker is quite simple and not very subtle bait to catch fish, it is worth noting that, for its correct and effective application and preparation you must have in your personal Arsenal some experience and have some fishing tricks. Done properly, the talker will be able to «sweet-talk» fish such as carp actively bite during fishing.

As a rule, the Prater Park is one of the types of lures, which often catch such fish species as crucian carp. It is made from dough that is made from semolina or so-called wheat grains. The name of this bait got out of the way, which is used in cooking.

The composition of magmas

In that moment, when the semolina adds a certain amount of water, obtained from a composition, which is kind of like «loose» when it stirring with a knife or other improvised tool. It should be noted that the resulting mixture should be beat until until its consistency is not going to acquire a certain degree of viscosity. At the outlet cooked mixture should have viscous properties and are easy to reach for the knife. As soon as this effect during cooking achieved can be considered that the talker successfully cooked and ready to carp fishing. According to the method of cooking mash from semolina are divided into steamed, raw or boiled.

A little trick

While cooking mash there are some tricks and secrets that need to use it to achieve the desired result. First of all, you have to determine where to go fishing, and take into account during the preparation of bait such factors as the force of the current, or complete absence, combined with other types of nozzles.

While cooking mash should take water in that reservoir, which will be directly carried out fishing. The bait should be prepared in the container in which it will reside during the fishing. Water for cooking mash should not be warm, and for cooking bait need to use about a hundred grams of semolina. This will be enough for one fishing.


There are several effective time-tested recipes for the preparation of this lure. For cooking semolina mash in a container in which pre-is cereal, pour a lot of water. After 30 seconds, excess water should be carefully drained to below the remaining amount of water was hidden semolina. After this procedure, the capacity necessary to cover and leave to infuse for 60 minutes. After this time the mixture is in the container mix thoroughly. As a rule, this method of cooking mash is ideal if fishing will be carried out in the reservoir, in which there is no current.

What you need for cooking

Also mash can be done in the following way. In a certain capacity, for example in a glass, poured about a hundred grams of semolina and the same direction consistently in small amounts of added water. When you add water, the semolina is thoroughly mixed until then, until you can see it remains dry. Then, the resulting mixture should be given time (approximately 30 minutes) in order that she would be drawn.

When the mixture is ready it is necessary to once again stir until then, until it forms a viscous mass of sufficient density. This recipe is perfect for making bait directly on the pond before fishing.

Add flavoring ?

In addition, it should be noted that for best effect and boost the attractiveness of the mash, to make it possible to use the various so-called flavors, which are very willing to use many fishing. As flavoring you can also use pre-chopped garlic that is added during preparation of the mash.

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От Алексей Костров

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