The best plant tips, and animal bait for catching sturgeon

The best plant tips, and animal bait for catching sturgeon
The best plant tips, and animal bait for catching sturgeon

For catching sturgeon.

The best are called due to the fact that fish, sturgeon family — coveted trophy of all fishing enthusiasts, it is in the red book of the Russian Federation, and the volume of its catch strictly controlled by the relevant legislative authorities and fisheries oversight. So for catching such fish as sturgeon, it is necessary to purchase a special license for fishing. Under this license is permitted to catch no more than ten individuals of this fish.

Moreover, according to the rules that establish the legislature, caught sterlet specimen should have a weight exceeding 250 grams, and its length should not be less than 30 centimeters. To catch a fish that has a size not corresponding to the established norms, is strictly prohibited. This license is issued for a period of 48 hours. To implement a sturgeon fishing is allowed from 6 am to 11 PM. To make fishing this kind of fish at night is prohibited.

License for fishing of sturgeon, provides for the following types of gear, like a network, the cell size which is 40 millimeters, and zakidushku. This is a fishing device that is called «Snout». Moreover, it should be noted that zakidushka must be equipped with hooks up to 5 pieces, and the use of equipment called «Muzzle» is allowed up to two pieces.

Fishermen with great experience in fishing for sturgeon, noted that, despite the fact that this fish belongs to the fish prey species, she is an excellent attacking nozzles plant type. Indiscriminateness in the choice of food this fish can easily be verified experimentally, while it is in bait a specific location, using bait, which is responsive to sturgeon.

The use of bait can significantly raise the chances of a successful outcome during the capture of this fish. However, you should know that you need to use bait with a low calorie content. If you use bait with components high in calories, it will lead to the fact that the fish be satisfied, and cease to look for food that will lead to the termination of the strikes.

To quickly fish for sturgeon, you need to opt for baits that have a large volume and a soft shell. An excellent choice would be the grain of peas or corn. It should be noted that to increase the chances to catch a fish of the sturgeon family, you need to put the bait on the nozzle at the same time a few grains. If this is not done, it is a pretty high chance of the fish catch of another family and less impressive. For bait you can use raw pea seeds and corn, and grain which are sold in stores in the form of canned food. Raw beans must be boiled to the desired level of softness. In order for this to make the bait more attractive to sturgeon, can be used for processing crude vegetable oil.

What to use for successful fishing.

For successful catching sturgeon, the perfect bread, pre-treated with a small amount of oil. The best solution would be to use for bait a crust of bread, which is not difficult to put the bait on the hook. In addition, as bait, the perfect dough. It is made from wheat or corn flour, followed by the addition of a small amount of oil from sunflower. After reaching the required consistency of the dough, it is rolled into small-sized balls, which by their volume, which should completely hide the presence of the hook.

Also as bait for catching sturgeon a large number of anglers use porridge and potatoes. The porridge is cooked to such a state, while it all will not become a homogeneous mass. The potatoes need to boil, adding the oil. But it should be noted that it is desirable to digest, otherwise the bait would be problematic to put on the hook.

When fishing for sturgeon on plant tips, you should not feel sorry for them and they should hook to put the bait as much as possible. This is because while catching a certain amount of bait may be washed away by the current, or knocked off the hook during the cast. Also, in the preparation of baits do not need to disdain the use of all kinds of flavors that will make it more attractive to fish.

The animals of the nozzle.

As animals tips perfect such kinds of fish as trout and herring. A good choice is the use of salmon. Use the fish for more successful fishing for sturgeon can be in the form of canned, which added all sorts of spices and oil. To use fish as bait, it can be pre-marinated at home. But this procedure takes a reasonable amount of time. In addition, as the nozzles for successful catching sturgeon a perfect fish fry, shrimps, worms, capelin, or crab meat. When choosing worms to prefer larger individuals, Narovlya them on a hook in the number 4 or 5 pieces.