Large perch. Ways and place of fishing. Video.


The PERCH — a predator, is very gluttonous. The PERCH practically lives in all reservoirs. PERCH widespread fish. Suitable for his life assist in reservoirs not only to raising of its quantity, but also accumulation of weight: from time to time copies more than one kilogram are caught. The average and small perch eats whitebaits of fishes, worms, bloodsuckers, larvae of insects; the big — a key image small fish, eats still mollusks, bloodsuckers, worms. In the rivers and reservoirs because of change of food supply and fluctuations of water level, the perch moves from one site of a reservoir to another. Striped the color of a perch, allows it to mask in parking lots, and also imperceptibly to creep to the victim. The PERCH — quick and strong fish. The perch pursues the victim persistently, promptly until catches it. A sign for the fisher, where a perch — this vyprygivaniye of whitebaits from water. The way of life of a perch day also eats a perch during daylight hours. Usual dwelling of a perch is closer to a bottom. At summertime wakes up in half-waters and in the top layers of a reservoir as they are more oxygenated in the afternoon and here small fish whom the perch pursues rises.

The PERCH is caught always.
At all seasons of the year. In the spring of a perch catch immediately after release of a reservoir from ice. In spring time the perch leaves the deep water and approaches as possibly closer coast. The PERCH a beret in the spring before spawning not really, the best is cool a perch happens a week later after spawning in April and May. The perch at this time in small spaces with plentiful vegetation, at the flooded bushes, snags of a coastal zone at a depth up to 3 — 4 meters is caught. If it is cool a perch isn’t present at a coastal zone, the perch can be found in snags not deeply. A spring perch at a depth more than 6 meters клюёт occasionally. It is better to catch a perch in the early warm morning and in the evening. In the afternoon in cloudy weather a perch not bad клюёт. In reservoirs at a perch spawning takes place later, than in the rivers. SPAWNING of the PERCH lasts at the water temperature of 5 — 6 degrees (+) within a week. The PERCH postpones CAVIAR in deep places of a reservoir. Fluctuation of water level has no negative impact on its active reproduction.


In the early SPRING when reservoirs it is exempted from ice, the perch is caught preferably on float rods, and also on a mormyshka and circles. When catching a perch on the FLOAT rod, as the best nozzle are considered a muckworm, on a mormyshka — a crank. If on circles, a nozzle small small fry (a ruff, a gudgeon, карасик, выползок).


In the SUMMER of a perch catch at the coastal flooded vegetation, at bushes, at snags. Successful it is cool a perch at underwater heights and where the whitebait plays. Game of a whitebait can be found on ripples on water, it if quiet weather. The perch from May to July is caught quite well, and from July to September is slightly worse. In the SUMMER the best is cool a perch in warm-cloudy, a little bit windy days in the morning and in the afternoon. In a warm sunny weather the perch is perfectly caught after sunrise till 9 o’clock. Productive poklyovka occur from half-water. Sometimes and at a depth the average and large perch too is well caught, in hot days from shady side of the boat. And here in the evening a perch клюёт it is rather weak. In the summer on a perch use a spinning, float rods, a path, circles and a mormyshka. The float rod equipped with a mormyshka, a nozzle on a rod is the muckworm, a bloodsucker and a whitebait in the summer, on a whitebait the average and large perch is caught. Get on a mormyshka a crank, on circles as a nozzle use the live bait (small small fry, a small karasik). For catching of a perch on a spinning and a path, take the small rotating spinners.


In the FALL the perch gathers in large packs and hunts for a whitebait. Since the end of August and the beginning September of a perch catch closer to the coast of a reservoir, at vegetation of the filled-in bush, at snags, at underwater heights in a coastal zone of a reservoir. The perch lives about a bottom of coastal zones at this time. The perch is better клюёт with sunrise. With arrival of a cold snap and the beginning of freezing of a reservoir, the perch leaves for a whitebait on deep sites and poklyovka become rare. In the FALL of a perch catch the same tackles, as in the summer, and a steep blesneniye. After freezing of a reservoir, the perch comes to coast, to underwater heights covered with water plants, at the flooded bush, in roughnesses of a bottom, the mouth of the rivers flowing into a reservoir. Catching of a perch from ice begins with a coastal zone to 1 meter in those places where ice is covered with snow, and also, at slopes of a transitional zone 3 — 5 meters.


In the WINTER a perch actively клюёт on the first ice, 2-3 weeks after a ledostav and before ice thawing. Perch at this time клюёт often during the day.
It is cool a perch more than constant, than in the summer in the winter. It is better to catch a perch in silent frosty days, from dawn and to a decline. And here the active is cool a perch occurs early in the morning, and in thaw in the afternoon. Catching of a perch decreases at heavy snowfalls or at all ceases to peck. In the WINTER with abatement of the water level, it is good to catch a perch in places where cracks and outlets are formed. Because of oxygen starvation the perch changes a stay place on a reservoir. Changes of food supply of a perch and big spillways, too negatively influences fishing. Under such circumstances a perch клюёт faded from a bottom, and sometimes both from half-water, and from-under ice. It is necessary to consider all these circumstances. The success of catching of a perch is provided with his active search in habitats. During the winter period from ice, a perch клюёт on a winter spinner and a mormyshka. On the first ice, the best tackle is a winter spinner. In the winter on the first ice and the last, the perch prefers average and small a blyosna, and in the middle of the winter on small a blyosna. When catching on mormyshka use, (a grain, an ovsinka). As a nozzle the crank or a slice of a worm serves in the basic. The large perch is caught on a mormyshka with a nozzle of 4-5 cranks.

Perch gregarious fish. The more small perch, the more pack. Packs of average and small perches live in a coastal zone at a depth up to 3 — 4 meters, in thickets of water vegetation, in the flooded snags, the flooded bush, in the underwater heights, in mouths of the rivers falling into a reservoir. The large perch lives at a depth of the flooded bed of the river, in pits, in snags, in roughnesses of a bottom, and in the morning and leaves in the evening to eat on underwater heights and in a coastal zone.

От Алексей Костров

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