Methods for carp fishing.

Tackles for catching carp.

On average, the common carp weight ranges from 100g. up to 400g. Common carp with such weight and become the prey of a fisherman. But to catch the carp, having a weight of more than a kilogram a kilogram and has become not uncommon, and in those ponds where the carp for food supply in a limited number. In waters where there is a surplus in the number of carp, the carp in places begins to grow shallow, and the age of five, they do not grow more than 10cm. — 15sm.Vid main power carp is «benthos», is a variety of small insects living in water, as well as their larvae, those who live on the muddy bottom of the pond or in the water column. More carp feeds on plankton organisms living there in the pond, which collects on the surface of the crucian carp vody.Nerestitsya in May and going in the shallows, which are well warmed the early spring sun, as well as with developed vegetation of the pond. And it ends up spawning carp in July.


Applicable gear for catching carp.

The large-sized carp, as well as any other fish, with suspicion and are wary of bait and lures prepodnesёnnym to them. This means that the gear to catch carp as possible should be light and do not forget about safety. Then, catching crucian carp catch garantirovana.Dlya be fine telescopic fiberglass rod 4 or 5 meters, as well as there are expensive carbon fiber rods, they are more modern and strength are not inferior rod of stekloplastika.Odnoznachno by dealing with a fishing rod fishing line selection time has come for fishing rods. Tackle fishing line for carp fishing desirable in diameter from 0.15 to 0.17 mm.i no more. Diameter of a scaffold is able to withstand a crucian with a total weight of between 1.5 and 2 kg. It is noted that catchability such fine woods is much higher in relation to the longer thicker leskam.Kryuchki on carp usually choose №4 and №5. Namely hooks with long handguard for such baits as if you are using a worm for bait with vegetable origin, it is better to fit the hooks have short forearm.

Methods and features fishing.

Active power and the movement of carp starts after the complete liberation of the pond ice. When water is not much warmed and calmed down, then it’s time bream usually found in deep water of the reservoir, and in a well-warmed areas with aquatic vegetation, the carp rising from the pits. It is proved from the experience of fishermen that catch carp more productive in the spring time. It was at this spring, carp after hibernation hungry and starts to eat actively preparing for the upcoming spawn. In the carp spawning period, using the best animal bait — dung cherv.Progretaya water by mid-summer, contributes to the development of luxuriant vegetation and aquatic organisms and carp becomes inactive as a reservoir filled with nutrient medium. And there comes a time of good and effective poklёvok karasya.Ne all anglers know that carp belongs to the stomach without fish species. And its physiological structure often causes the feed, making small breaks in the 3 or 4 hours. But small carp fed almost constantly, and therefore the most frequent trophy fisherman becomes on.V is cloudy and warm days of summer, carp too readily caught. Even if there is a not a big rain. In hot summer weather, carp pond and leave the shallows out into the deep and cool habitats. Influence thermocline contributes to this.

Float accessories for carp.

Float snap.
Among the fishermen of this activity has spread to catch on float tackle, namely carp. Carp can be found in almost any body of water that does not make it harder to find and catch.

Attachments to carp float rod.

fishing rod
Fishing lines
Karas inherently very shy and cautious. Just carp fish is very capricious and sensitive to changes in weather conditions and as well his habits to a greater extent depend on the reservoir, which extends its life (habitat) .tak also should take into account a lot of factors driving with gear on carp.

How to increase the catch of fish?
At the moment, there are proven ways to increase the catch. The presence of such as biting activator. These activators attract fish with its long distance and stimulate her appetite with the help of pheromones included in its composition, it is an important ingredient of the activator, significantly influencing the behavior of the fish. What is a pheromone? The pheromone is a natural biologically active substances, which distinguishes a living organism, among them fish.

Selecting promising locations.
To use a variety of carp feeding porridge, but do not forget to add in their various flavors and activators, since carp strong sense of smell.
Going to catch carp, it should be borne in mind that the carp are very capricious. It has already been mentioned vyshe.Bytuet opinion that the most common fishing rod for catching carp, this float rod. Since it is universal and simple, the space occupied by it a little, because it is very important for the angler. Catch successfully carp float rod can be as from the shore of the reservoir, as well as from a boat!

fishing rod

Choosing the optimal rod, you are guaranteed to succeed in catching carp. At long casting lures, well proven plug and Bolognese rods. At close range carp fishing rods using primaries to the coil and throughput rings with dull osnastkoy.Tochnaya ogruzka float for catching karasya.Ogruzka depends on the distance of the proposed casting gear, and for this rod length should be 4 m. To 7 m. The fishing rod more than 5 m. The best will be selected from carbon fiber, but because it is lighter than the fiberglass rod.

Fishing lines

When choosing a fishing line it’s much easier than selecting rod. Since there is no special requirements. The main quality fishing lines for catching carp, the most thin and durable. For these purposes, use of the line diameter of 0.10 to 0.15 mm. This diameter monofilament will allow fisherman to pull out any of the carp pond, and at the same time it does not weigh all the equipment of a fishing rod as a whole, which is also important. Easy is equipped with rod always react to a cautious bite carp, and such equipment does not scare carp, which directly affects the poklёvok frequency.

Selection of the float for carp.

The floats on carp.

Another worthy and important factor osnaski for catching carp, a float, a must for any fisherman as signaling poklёvki. Carp takes the bait with caution, and that’s for this, and it is necessary to accurately determine poklёvku. The floats on carp need to choose light, not more than one gram of weight. And with the Bolognese rod, just the opposite is true, the heavier the float, the more you can make casting gear.


Sinkers for float fishing rod, usually used olive shapes, as well, and pellets. For the plug and the centrifugal equipment used pellet lightweight, and install them throughout the scaffold, from Georgia to the float. For example, one pellet from the float, the other at the leash.


And with regards to the hooks, their size is chosen accordingly in the form of bait. Experienced fishermen are trying to use for fishing hooks karyasya number 5, 6, 7, which gives full confidence to tackle.


Not all probably know that fishing for carp as possible, and even necessary to use leashes, they in turn will keep your gear (float and sinkers), these leashes are made of fluorocarbon, they are thinner and stronger, the same can not be seen in the water, this is just a decent advantage on the part of the angler. The thickness of the leash should be not more than 0.12 mm. This diameter leashes, proven themselves for catching carp.

Float tackle on carp

 Bits and bait for carp.

The process of fishing for carp begins always with any choice of gear and equipment, but also with the choice of bait. To do this, you need to take into account the time of year and type of reservoir. The representatives of the different fish species have much in common in the behavior and habits, but if you dig a little deeper, it turns out that there are differences in their food resources, the choice of diet.
Bait on carp
Carp is found everywhere, in almost all bodies of water, and a menu of varied baits. Bait most preferred karasёm animal origin, they are dung worm, earthworm, bloodworm, maggot, caddis.

От Алексей Костров

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